Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Worth of His Work

Sometimes I play a precious annoying game with my husband called "List the Reasons You Love Me." This game can also be called "I'm Feeling Needy and Fishing for Compliments." I highly enjoy it and am considering selling the rights to Hasbro.

Here are the rules:  Husband hugs me and tells me he loves me.  I say, "Tell me why."  Husband then lists at least three things he loves about me (This is a game minimum.).

Honestly, just typing this is embarrassing, but it's all true.  I actually do this. And my husband sweetly obliges. And I listen, hanging onto every word.

This man and I have been together for almost 15 years.  We've experienced the highs and lows of life and everything in-between:  overwhelming joy, sadness, loss, want, plenty.  Children, houses, jobs.  We have run the gamut together.  He is the epitome of loyalty and faithfulness and has never given me a moment's pause of his love for me.

So why do I need reminding?

Is it the feminine in me?  Demons from my childhood surfacing?  My ego?

Or maybe it's just because we all sometimes question our worth.

I think we as humanity, be us female or male or those facing demons from the past or those wanting an ego boost wrestle with this:

What is my worth?

I need to share a wonderful story with you; an astounding revelation God gave me a few years ago.  It was a normal day.  I was driving somewhere alone (which is a rarity). The sun was shining.  I turned right onto the main road near my house and the precious sound of Jesus came flooding into my head:

"Tell me how I feel about you."

A message was sent into my heart and I was overwhelmed with joy and brightness and love. Laughter was there, too.  It was like witnessing a father lifting a precious, smiling child into the air.  The father laughing along, eyes shining.

"Tell me how I feel about you."

"You delight in me."


Sweet friends, do you need a reminder of your worth today?  Then here it is! The Creator of the universe, the Almighty God, the Ancient of Days, The Great I Am says this to you:

I delight in you.

The LORD your God among you is powerful— he will save and he will take joyful delight in you. In his love he will quiet you; he will celebrate with singing because of you. 
~ Zephaniah 3:17

The love that God has for you is pure and perfect.  It is never-ending. He doesn't see you as a burden.  He sees you as His perfect, most important work of art.  Ephesians 2:10 says we are His masterpiece.  You are His workmanship and The Artist's work is worth much!  You think an original Rembrandt is worth a fortune?  My friend, you are an original of God Himself!  

Romans 8:38-39 tells us that nothing can separate us from His love... ever. Not even "any created thing." Created things like our sin or our mistaken self-perceptions:

38For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This, dear ones, is some powerful stuff.  This kind of love is found only in the divine, only in the perfect.  And luckily for us, God is both.

So now tell me:  How does He feel about you?

Yes!  He delights in you.

Do not question your precious value, friend.  You still doubt this value?  Do you think this message applies to others and not to you?

Then this message is especially for you.  

So the next time you begin to question your worth because of a spouse, a boss, a child, or a friend, remind yourself of this:

The Lord of all creation takes delight in me.  And this delight takes shape as laughter and song, warm breezes and sunshine.  It looks like children running on a seashore.  It feels like lying under a great shady oak with streams of warm sunlight dancing through the leaves.  It smells like a Christmas tree.  It sounds like one lone bird you hear singing as you stand in your kitchen washing dishes.  It tastes like the first thirty seconds of Double Bubble gum.  

Every warm and wonderful feeling you've ever felt is how God feels about you.

Now go and live, knowing your worth.

Dear Lord,

You have told us to shout!  Exhorted us to sing and rejoice!  You have turned back enemies like self-pity and self-doubt.  You have told us not to let our heads hang in sadness and defeat.  God let us walk proudly with each step because you have taken such great delight in us.  We are your work, God, and your work is worth much.

Lord may it be so.



  1. You can have no idea how much I needed to hear this message right now, at this moment. I sit here in front of my computer doubting my worth, and THIS is what I am compelled to click on. So, now, in the midst of my tears, I am HIS. And He delights in ME. Nothing else matters.

  2. This is exactly what I felt in the beautiful sun today! God's love all around me! I am blessed to call such a virtuous woman my friend!!
