Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Love Letter to God

If I wrote a love letter to God
I wouldn't know where to start
But my pen would not stop moving
I would use the biggest words I know

Do I start at the beginning
on the day that I was born?
Or do I start before the beginning
when I was knitted together
in my mother's womb?

I could go further back still
for even before I existed as body

I existed as His thought

From the foundations of the earth
the notion of me
twinkled in His eye

He whispered my name as He made
space and sky
Serengeti and seagull

The more I write my love letter to God I see
It's becoming His love letter to me

My pen cannot compare to His hand
My mind to His might
Nor my creation to His Creation

God!  Do you hear me say:
I see it!
Your love, your life-giving
and light-giving

In feathers and flight
Ice and island
Brain and bone

All creation a correspondence

So what can be my love letter to you?
I cannot match you! love letter to God is simple
It's found in not matching Your creation,
but in seeing it:

The sunrise, the Son, the sacrifice

I see your love letter
This letter is clear:
the 'x', the 't'
3 nails, a holy tree

So my love letter is to simply read yours
With eyes, brain, ears, and lips

But to go further still
and read it with my soul

And write it on my heart.

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