Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Mind of Christ

We speak what we think. No thought comes out of our mouths that first did not take up residence in our brain. For better or for worse, our words reveal our minds.

My mind is silly, curious, intentional, efficient, and full of random trivia facts. (Seriously. No one will play against me in Trivia Crack anymore.) 

My mind can also be a dark, scary place. 

Sometimes being inside my mind can be too much. Do you ever feel this way? When you need to escape and break free? 

Usually these are the times when we eat too much ice cream while we binge watch Friday Night Lights on Netflix. 

But what if there was something better for us? What if we could shed our minds and find the mind of Christ?

1 Corinthians 2 tells us if we are in the Holy Spirit, which is a gift freely given to those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior, then we have been given an incredible insight -

To know the mind of Christ.

“For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” 
But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:16

To know the mind of Christ is an insight that sages, sorcerers, kings, and conjurers have longed for for centuries. To know the mind of a deity! To know the wisdom of the ages!

And friend, we are freely given that gift from our Father in heaven.


So what exactly is on the mind of Christ? How can we even begin to discern this? It seems too great a task.

Oh, but friends, when God gives you a gift He will help you to unwrap it:

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, 
that we might understand the things freely given us by God. 
1 Corinthians 2:12

We speak what we think. And Jesus was no different. As we reflect on Easter Sunday, let's reflect on the seven statements of Jesus on the cross. He spoke what he thought. Let's look into the mind of Christ:

1. His mind was on forgiveness.  In Luke 23:34 Jesus spoke, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." 

The mind of Christ is a mind of forgiveness.

2. His mind was on the repentance of sinners. In Luke 23:43 Jesus spoke, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" to the thief who believed in the sovereignty of Jesus.

The mind of Christ is a mind that loves the sinner.

3. His mind was on humanity. In John 19:26-27 Jesus spoke to John the Beloved, telling him to watch over His mother. 

The mind of Christ is a mind that remembers the emotional and physical needs of humanity.

4. His mind was on the weight of sin. In Matthew 27:46 Jesus spoke, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

The mind of Christ is a mind that knows the darkness of sin.

5. His mind was on His mission as Messiah. In John 19:28 Jesus spoke, "I am thirsty."

The mind of Christ is a mind that knew all scripture written of Him (including this passage in Psalm where the Messiah is given vinegar to drink) must be fulfilled.

6. His mind was on salvation. In John 19:30 Jesus spoke, "It is finished."

The mind of Christ is a mind that came to finish death.

7. His mind was on trusting God. In Luke 23:46 Jesus spoke, "Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit."

The mind of Christ is a mind that believed in His Father.

So, tell me. What is on the mind of Christ?

Dear one, do you see it?

It's you.

Your forgiveness.
Your repentance from sin.
Your humanity.
Your sin and its weight.
Your need for a Messiah.
Your salvation.
Your redemption through God's grand plan.

The point of you.

He knew me, yet He loved me
He whose glory makes the heavens shine
So unworthy of such mercy
Yet when He was on the cross
I was on His mind*

The mind of Christ is on you. So make your mind about Christ.

Risen Lord Jesus,
In humility I say:
Thank You.

Lord, may it be so.

*written by Ronnie Hinson

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