Sunday, July 8, 2018

Psalm 40: Know Your Need {The God of Our Every Moment}

by Andrea Noles

Here we are, smack dab in the middle of summer.
Beaches are covered, sprinklers are on go, and all the fireworks have been let off (well, most)!

So how are you?
How’s your soul?
How’s your mind?
What is God teaching you?

Well, that surely was intrusive.
But, sometimes I just like to cut to the chase.
Sometimes I can’t stand all the small talk we humans do and I just want to ask questions that matter.

Anyone else ever feel this way?
I have a few friends in my life that are the best question askers. I could sit for hours and talk the day away.

So let’s talk dear friend.
Can we put on the brakes for a bit and assess our summer selves?
I found this fun little Fruit of the Spirit quiz @
Click on over and check in with yourself. It’s a simple 10 question test.

I hope you took it!

I loved some of the questions!
“What time of day is your favorite?”
“Where is your favorite place to pray?”

But I felt like they missed an important question that matters in the life of a believer.

“Are you poor and needy?”

Poor and needy?
Isn’t this Christian life abundant and joyful? Aren’t we called to serve and work?

This one question brings me back to the root of any fruit that is developing in my summer soul.
Because Jesus calls us to be poor in spirit. He expects us to need Him in all circumstances.
We were never meant to do our summer life alone.

Psalm 40 is our next chapter featured in our series and I think it’s the perfect mid-way point for summer.
Here we find David, pointing all things back to God. Telling the story of how God drew him from the pit of destruction and set his feet upon the rock. He tells of a new song in his mouth.

David is not the best at hiding his emotions, which really helps this girl on the other side of the Old Testament.
He is the writer who reminds me that he’s been there too. He has felt afraid, anxious, and depressed.

David is poor and needy and he tells us this in Psalm 40 because we need to be needy too.

We need to remember to call on Jesus when life is good and when life is hard.
We have to remember Him when the Cheerios get thrown all over the floor, or when we are running late, or while we are waiting in 5:00 traffic.
Here’s what I want you to remember tonight…

You need Him.

God’s not gonna write out your grocery list. But, He can remind you to be thankful when the last thing you want to do is go to the grocery store.

God’s not gonna discipline your child. But He can remind you of your own sin and depravity the next time your kid does something to drive you crazy.

God’s not gonna budget your money and do your taxes. But He can help develop a more disciplined lifestyle and give you wisdom to make wise financial decisions.

God wants you to need Him. He already knows your need, but He’s looking for a heart to listen.
So stop and tell Him and then watch Him work His good over your life.

Will you pray this prayer with me tonight?

Father, I wait patiently for you. Hear my cry tonight. Set my feet upon a rock and make my steps secure. Put a new song in my mouth. I delight to do Your will and will faithfully share of Your goodness. I am poor and needy. 


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