Sunday, August 16, 2015

Love, Not Law

Twice in one day I heard the word 'litigious.' Who hears this word even once in their day, let alone twice? And, for the sake of transparency - I mean, let's be real here. The first time I heard the word was in an episode of Friends where Rachel declares she is "not litigious" to a possible employer. And the second was on Top 40 radio with a DJ describing a woman who had engaged in some sort of nonsense and was about to sue someone. So, in short, do not be mistaken. I was not reading the Wall Street Journal, watching the news on PBS, or engaging in any high minded media. Nope, just Friends and trashy radio.

Where were we? Oh, yes. Litigious. Am I litigious? Are you litigious? Who knows? I have no idea what this word even means. But I am a curious cat, so I had to look it up.

Ahem. Litigious. "Excessively ready to go to law."

In my physical life I am not litigious. I've never sued anyone. Never had anyone arrested. In fact, several years ago Dusty and I were rear ended on I-95 on our way to Orlando. It was a barely there bump, so we told those who'd hit us not to worry about it. Some may consider this naive, but I tell this story to prove the point - I am not litigious.

But am I spiritually litigious?

Galatians 3:3 says this: "Are you that stupid? Did you begin in a spiritual way only to end up doing things in a human way (the Law)?"

In this text Paul is speaking to the church at Galatia. Jews during this time followed the Law, the commandments given to Moses in Exodus. These are not just the ten we memorized in Sunday School as children. The Law held over 600 rules ranging from those we've memorized to foods you were allowed to eat to property management to relationships. Jews worked very hard to obtain righteousness in the sight of God by following these rules to the letter.

But Jesus came and spoke freedom:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart 
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 
This is the first and greatest commandment. 
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' 
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37-40
(emphasis mine)

Dear one, Jesus says love is enough. If we love Him with everything we have and love each other in the same way everything in the Law will fall into place. There is no need to complete a checklist of good deeds to win our salvation. Jesus came and through His love and our love for Him all the Law is covered.

Paul says "we are no longer under the supervision of law" or a bajillion rules. Just two rules now: Love God. Love people. 

But what about those Ten Commandments? I'm supposed to follow those, right? 

If you love God and love people you will. 

Let's test this theory.

No other Gods before Him - Love God.
No idols - Love God.
No misusing His Name - Love God.
Remember the Sabbath - Love God.
Honor your parents - Love people.
No murder - Love people.
No adultery - Love people.
No stealing - Love people.
No lying - Love people.
No jealousy - Love people.

Legalism is not for you, friend. You are a child of Love, not a child of law. 

I want to be like Rachel Green and declare "I am not litigious!" I want to be unshackled by lists of rules and claim only one: love. Just love.

All the Law is covered by Love.

Father, create in us a heart that loves You and loves Your people. Let our hearts rest in love, not law.

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