Saturday, January 5, 2019

The God of My Big Deals {The God of My Small Stuff}

by Jennifer Smith

So, I'm pretty good at trusting God in Big Deal situations.

Emergency c-section? No worries, God is taking care of us.

My house burning down to the ground? Y'all, I literally praised God as I walked through the rubble and ashes.

Emotional trauma? No biggie, God will bring beauty from the ashes.

Yes, my faith in the Big is mighty. I believe that in tragedy and pain and sorrow that God holds me up with His righteous right hand like it says in Isaiah 41:10. I believe in Psalm 91 where God tells me He will cover me with His feathers. During these times of darkness I hold fast to Him, I long for Him. I find my joy and strength and peace only in Him.

But, thankfully, life isn't all Big Deal situations. Most of life is made up of the Small Stuff, and this friends, is where I fail.

See, I remember the God who parted the Red Sea, but I forget the God who watches the sparrow fall. I believe for the Big, but I forget in the Small.

I've found that when I'm facing Big Deals, I'm so close to the Lord. But then, thankfully, things get better. But this also means I do not cling to Him as tightly.

I need to start trusting God with my day to day, Small Stuff. I need to remember that He cares about my morning drive, my deadlines, my fleeting thoughts, my simple choices. God cares about it all and He wants to be included in it all. 

The Bible tells us that we should pray in all situations and for all things (I Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 6:18), so doesn't this mean God cares about all situations and all things? He hears our prayers for help in small moments just as much as He hears our prayers for miracles. 

Psalm 139 speaks of God's intimate knowledge of us:
"...even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.
You know when I leave and when I get back;
    I’m never out of your sight.
You know everything I’m going to say
    before I start the first sentence.
I look behind me and you’re there,
    then up ahead and you’re there, too—
    your reassuring presence, coming and going.
This is too much, too wonderful—
    I can’t take it all in!"

I'm so thankful for a God who can handle the Big Deals. I'm so thankful that in hurricane-like situations I'm confident in a God who will keep me from drowning. But I also need to remember that He's the God of the Small Stuff, too. I shouldn't just be a bad-weather friend to God, only drawing close during turbulent times. I should draw close in all times. God loves me so much that He wants to be included in the smallest, most inconsequential times of my day. 

So, that's my resolution. In 2016 I will thank God for parting the seas and seeing me through the storms, but I will also thank Him in my smallest moments and include Him in my conversations, my coffee breaks, and my simple tasks.

Because Big Deal or Small Stuff, He's the God of it all.

*Originally posted in January 2016

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