Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pursue Him

by Andrea Noles

Luke 8:40-48

She interrupted Him.

Didn’t she know He was on His way to help someone more worthy than her?
Hadn’t she heard of the girl who was dying and needed Jesus?
Couldn’t she feel the tension of the crowds pressing in on this remarkable Teacher?

Something inside her whispered, “touch him.
Then she saw it, hanging from the garment was His Tzitzit.
All the Rabbi’s wore one, but she knew He was different.
She could touch the tassel and get His attention.

“Who touched me?” he asked.”My power has gone out from me.” 

He looked through the crowds with an eagerness to affirm the faith of the one who knew her need.

She could not hide. Too many had seen. She came forward, trembling and shared her suffering, her twelve year disease, and her unworthiness.

In an instant, she was healed.
He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Can you imagine having that kind of courage?
Courage enough to touch the Son of God?
Oh to be her, to have the faith to humble myself in the presence of Jesus Christ, begging for His power.

Her story is my story.
Maybe it’s yours too?

Much of my life I believed in Jesus. I went to church. Attended youth.
Sang in the choir. Said no to drugs.
I grew up knowing how much He loved me.
But I can’t say that I knew my need for Him.

After I graduated, I experienced my parent’s divorce, a five year break-up, started a new career, and moved to a new city… All of which, left me feeling afraid, unworthy, and alone.
My journey through my twenties was pretty messy.
Yet all the while, I knew Jesus was with me.

One morning, while driving to work, I remember hearing the song, One Touch by Nicole C. Mullen. This song told the story of the sick woman who reached out to touch Jesus.

In the car, I cried out to Him, “I need you.”

What if we knew our need for Him?
What if this world lived every day like this desperate woman, reaching out, pursuing the Son of God?
If her passionate pursuit and blind faith, healed her, then what does Jesus have waiting for us?

Pursue Him

Materials: Bible, computer, pen, watercolor paints, brush

Pause: Today, I want to personally invite you to focus on the presence and power of Jesus Christ.

Open your Bible to Luke 8:40-47.
Sit quietly and read aloud these few verses.
As you read, circle words or phrases that speak to your spirit.
Make note of this woman’s remarkable faith and her belief that Jesus cared enough to respond to her touch.
Do you believe you can hear His voice? Do you believe that God Himself is present in you?
Allow yourself to be moved, to be lifted up, and to be healed.

Pray: Father, I seek Your presence right here, right now. Your spirit is always speaking, yet I become deaf when I cannot see. Open the eyes of my heart and teach me to seek after You with my full being.

Make it Personal: Google the Hebrew word, Tzitzit. Read about its meaning and purpose. Look at Google Images and notice the knots on the tassel. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. Take some quiet space to sketch out a “Tzitzit.” As you draw the knots and the frays, ask God to heal you from what’s been hurting you most. Listen for His voice and write down what He tells you.

Listen: Spend some time asking God a few questions.
Ask Him what sin may be keeping you from experiencing His Power.
Ask Him why he delights in spending time with you.
Ask Him to show you someone in your life that needs your prayers.
Write down what He says, trust His voice and obediently follow His whisper.
Go in peace, dear friend.


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